Ghanshyam Sarda

An Empire Built with Passion and Determination by Ghanshyam Sarda

Starting his career as a humble Jute trader, Ghanshyam Sarda is today one of the largest Jute Manufacturers and employers, with a strength of over 70,000 workmen in West Bengal, UP and Bihar. With his vision and dedication, he has built a conglomerate of over 2500 crores spanning diverse business including Real Estate, IT /ITES, and Service Sector. At a time when the Jute industry was being abandoned by the big business houses due to tremendous labor militancy, Ghanshyam Sarda foresaw a bright future for the eco- friendly and biodegradable material and converged all his might to revive Nine sick jute mills, providing much needed employment to Bengal’s workforce and resurrecting the dying industry. With his unique approach of motivating the work men of sick units, he successfully revived sick companies across sectors from tea gardens to chemical, IT/ITES units. He believes that “Knowledge is not power, knowledge is only potential power. It transforms itself into actual power the moment you decisively act on it. ” One mantra he lives by is ‘never allow fear and doubt to short circuit your mind’.

Ghanshyam Sarda group reveals their expansion strategy

The Ghanshyam Sarda group, which recently acquired the Gaur Hari Singhania group’s JK Jute Mill in Kanpur, is eyeing a pan-India presence in jute goods manufacturing. Following the acquisition of the Kanpur mill, which has a capacity of 120 tonnes per day (TPD), the Rs 2,000-crore Sarda group’s jute goods manufacturing capacity now stands at 560 tonnes per day. Apart from seven jute mills in Bengal, the group has set up plants in Bihar, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. The group is setting up a mill in Rajasthan and is also planning a unit in Tamil Nadu. While announcing the acquisition of JK Jute Mill, group chairman Ghanshyam Sarda said, “The idea was to take production units closer to consumers. The latest acquisition will help prompt delivery of jute bags to sugar mills in Uttar Pradesh.’’ The 60-tpd mill being set up at Alwar in Rajasthan will begin production this fiscal. Together, the mills in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, both located close to the sugar and foodgrain production centres of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, will ensure prompt delivery of sacks for packing during the rabi and kharif crop procurement seasons, Sarda said. Sarda said the Tamil Nadu government had asked the group to consider setting up a jute mill in the state. “We are enthusiastic about the proposal and are negotiating with the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation and Tamil Nadu Sugar Mills Federation, both of which are large consumers of jute bags,’’ Sarda said. These two organisations buy jute bags worth over Rs 100 crore annually. The group has also drawn up a major human resource development initiative. Training centres for jute mill workers have been set up at the group’s Agarpara and Titaghar mills where batches of 100 are being trained. The course offers assured jobs after the completion of the one-year training programme. “The industry is full of unskilled workers. Developing skills will help the industry meet global demands for eco-friendly products made of natural fibre,” Ghanshyam Sarda said. Learn more about Ghanshyam Sarda here