Starting his career as a humble Jute trader, Ghanshyam Sarda is today one of the largest Jute Manufacturers and employers, with a strength of over 70,000 workmen in West Bengal, UP and Bihar. With his vision and dedication, he has built a conglomerate of over 2500 crores spanning diverse business including Real Estate, IT /ITES, and Service Sector. At a time when the Jute industry was being abandoned by the big business houses due to tremendous labor militancy, Ghanshyam Sarda foresaw a bright future for the eco- friendly and biodegradable material and converged all his might to revive Nine sick jute mills, providing much needed employment to Bengal’s workforce and resurrecting the dying industry. With his unique approach of motivating the work men of sick units, he successfully revived sick companies across sectors from tea gardens to chemical, IT/ITES units. He believes that “Knowledge is not power, knowledge is only potential power. It transforms itself into actual power the moment you decisively act on it. ” One mantra he lives by is ‘never allow fear and doubt to short circuit your mind’.
Tag Archives: jute products
Ghanshyam Sarda plans to open a training centre for jute products
Ghanshyam Sarda, the Chairman of Sarda Group, told newspersons that the jute business was looked with a deficiency of talented labor. All things considered, the 100-year-old industry had not yet possessed the capacity to set up an appropriate instructional hub that could affect training and specialized abilities to individuals looking for work in the jute business, he said. The Rs. 2,000-crore turnover Sarda Group, which has business interests in jute, land and IT, has solidified plans to set up an instructional hub for incompetent laborers in the jute business. The Group, which at present has under its ambit eight jute factories which together deliver 500 tons of jute items day by day, plans to set up a jute process in Alwar, Rajasthan, at an expected venture of Rs. 100 crore. From cutting-edge preparing in jute generation and shop floor procedures and applications, labourers would be prepared to enhance their employability in the jute business. Regardless, 100 individuals would be prepared for a time of a half year. Throughout the following one year, around 1,000 would be occupied with the preparation procedure. Amid the preparation time frame, learners would be paid a stipend of Rs. 30 every day and furthermore be given one meal. As indicated by Ghanshyam Sarda, if the examination demonstrated effectively, the gathering would set up more such instructional hubs in different parts of the State. On the jute mill in Alwar, Mr Sarda said, “We have chosen Alwar as the location because the maximum consumption of jute bags and jute fabrics is in North India”. To learn more about Ghanshyam Sarda click here